台达 UPS不间断电源 EH15K工业设备 监控设15KVA/12000W外置电池
UPS电源是一种含有储能装置,并以逆变器为主要组成部分的恒压恒额的不间断电源。 UPS在其发展初期,仅被视为一种备用电源。后来,由于电压浪涌、电压尖峰、电压瞬变、电压跌落、持续过压或者欠压甚至电压中断等电网质量问题,使计算机等设备的电子系统受到干扰,造成敏感元件受损、信息丢失、磁盘程序被冲掉等严重后果,引起巨大的经济损失。
因此,泰琪丰UPS电源日益受到重视,并逐渐发展成一种具备稳压、稳频、滤波、抗电磁和射频干扰、防电压浪涌等功能的电力保护系统。目前在市场上可以购买到种类繁多的UPS电源设备,其输出功率从500VA到3000kVA不等。 当有市电供给UPS的时候,UPS电源对市电进行稳压后为计算机供电。此时的UPS就是一台交流市电稳压器,同时它还向机内电池充电。因UPS设计的不同, UPS适应的范围也不同,UPS输出电压在±10-15%的变化一般属正常的计算机使用电压。当市电异常或者中断时,UPS电源立即将机内电池的电能通过逆变转换供给计算机系统,以维持计算机系统的正常工作并保护计算机的软硬件不受损失。
UPS power supply is an uninterruptible power supply with constant voltage and constant amount, which contains energy storage device and takes inverter as the main component. At the beginning of its development, UPS was only regarded as a standby power supply. Later, due to power grid quality problems such as voltage surge, voltage spike, voltage transient, voltage drop, continuous overvoltage or undervoltage or even voltage interruption, the electronic systems of computers and other equipment were disturbed, resulting in serious consequences such as damage to sensitive components, loss of information and flushing out of disk programs, resulting in huge economic losses.
Therefore, taiqifeng UPS power supply has been paid more and more attention, and has gradually developed into a power protection system with the functions of voltage stabilization, frequency stabilization, filtering, anti electromagnetic and RF interference, anti voltage surge and so on. At present, a wide variety of UPS power supply equipment can be purchased in the market, and its output power ranges from 500VA to 3000kva. When there is mains power supply for UPS, the UPS power supply stabilizes the mains power and supplies power to the computer. At this time, the UPS is an AC mains voltage regulator, and it also charges the battery in the machine. Due to different UPS designs, UPS adapts to different ranges. The variation of UPS output voltage within ± 10-15% is generally normal computer voltage. When the mains power is abnormal or interrupted, UPS power supply will immediately supply the electric energy of the battery in the machine to the computer system through inverter conversion, so as to maintain the normal operation of the computer system and protect the software and hardware of the computer from loss.